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Tugas Mata Kuliah Seminar Research Design (SRD)

20 Judul Research Design

  1. Designing English teaching presentation using PowerPoint in speaking class
  2. Teaching English Pronunciation by using Minimal Pair Bingo
  3. Improving students’ reading skill through Online Group Discussion
  4. Correlation between students achievement and lecturer performance
  5. Correlation between students’ achievement and their house
  6. The impact of dominant gender in the classroom to students’ achievement
  7. The impact of many assignments from each lecturer
  8. How to make all of students enjoy to asking question to their teachers
  9. The reason why students take a long time to finish their study
  10. The Impact of social media in teaching learning process
  11. Kind of problems that always faced by students
  12. Improving four language skill by using video game
  13. The reason why students dislike English subject
  14. Teaching speaking class using problem based learning
  15. The effectiveness of using video in teaching
  16. Problems in building speaking habit
  17. The use of music and lyric in listening, reading, and speaking skill
  18. English teaching learning process in bilingual classroom
  19. Developing students’ vocabulary of classroom environment through silent way
  20. Improving students’ speaking skill through debate technique

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