Apakah pembahasan soalnya mudah dipahami? Jika iya, yuk cek soal lainnya di sini:
- Chapter 1: Talking About Self (Halaman 1)
- Vocabulary Builder (Halaman 2)
- Email Hannah & Alia (Halaman 3 - 4)
- Letter Saidah & Alia (Halaman 5)
- Task 2: Identify Paragraphs (Halaman 6 - 7)
- Task 3: Comprehension Questions (Halaman 8)
- Vocabulary Exercise (Halaman 9)
- Text Structure: Task 1 & Task 2 (Halaman 10)
- Pronouns (Halaman 11 - 16)
- Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others (Halaman 21)
- Text 1, Task 1, & Task 2 (Halaman 24)
- Task 3 & Task 4 (Halaman 25)
- Task 5 (Halaman 25)
- Vocabulary Exercises (Halaman 26 - 27)
- Task 2: Conversation 1 & 2 (Halaman 28)
- Writing (Halaman 29 - 32)
- Chapter 3: Where are You Going to Do Today (Halaman 39 - 40)
- Dialog: Expressing Intention (Halaman 40 - 42)
- Vocabulary Exercises (Halaman 43)
- Chapter 6: Giving Announcement (Halaman 88)
- Chapter 7: The Wright Brothers (Halaman 95 - 96)
- Pronunciation Practice (Halaman 96)
- Vocabulary Exercise (Halaman 101)
- Chapter 8: My Idol (Halaman 108 - 109)
- Pronunciation Practice (Halaman 110)
- Reading: Meeting My Idol, Afgan (Halaman 111)
- Task 1: Vocabulary Exercises (Halaman 112)
- Task 2: Complete the Sentences (Halaman 113)
- Chapter 9: The Battle Of Surabaya (Halaman 121)
- Reading Comprehension: Task 1 & Task 2 (Halaman 123 - 124)
- Vocabulary (Halaman 126 - 127)
- Grammar Review (Halaman 127)
- Chapter 10: B.J. Habibie (Halaman 132)